Traditionally the domain of consumer brands wooing shoppers on short sales cycles, UX is gaining influence in a wide range of sectors courting rationally minded business buyers. 过去,通常是致力于在短期销售周期内吸引客户的消费品牌才会注重用户体验,如今,用户体验在更广泛的领域获得了重视,以便吸引理性商业客户。
But the strategies used by alternative funds can be dizzyingly complex, with a panoply of interest-rate swaps, short sales or bets that stocks will go down, and swarms of trades in currencies, options and commodities. 但是,另类投资基金使用的投资策略可能是极其复杂的,该类基金往往会频繁地运用利率掉期交易,进行卖空操作押注股票下跌,并进行货币、期权和大宗商品交易。
( Bank of America, for instance, has been offering as much as$ 30,000 to qualifying homeowners since last year.) That's led to more short sales selling at a discount. (比如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)去年以来就在向符合条件的业主派发最高三万美元的现金。)这导致折价出售的短售房多了起来。
Buying short sales also came with another perk: bigger discounts. 购买短售房还有另一个好处,即折扣幅度更大。
It's common for short sales to receive up to a dozen offers within their first few days on the market, he adds, which results in a purchase price that's higher than the listing offer. 他还说,短售房推向市场之后,常常在几天之内就收到多达十几人的报价,导致成交价高于挂牌价。
Working in their favor, in part, is that banks are more willing to unload homes as short sales than in previous years. 一定程度上对买房人有利的是,银行比前几年更愿意将房产作为短售房抛掉。
This makes it a terrible time to enter new short sales. 这是一个下新空单的糟糕时机。
In potentially abusive naked '' short sales, shares are sold without being borrowed first. 在可能被滥用的裸卖空交易中,交易者卖出的是没有事先借入的股票。
Earlier Thursday, the S.E.C.scrambled to put together an emergency rule to force major investors to disclose their short sales daily. 星期四早,委员会已匆忙宣布强迫主要的投资者们每天要提交他们卖空情况的紧急条令。
The securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday took emergency action to clamp down on abusive short selling, making it more difficult for traders to engage in so-called "naked" short sales of leading financial firms. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周二采取紧急行动,打击滥用卖空交易的行为,从而增加了交易员参与对领先金融公司进行所谓的“无交割保障”卖空交易的难度。
Similarly, long/ short equity ( or equity hedge) funds are supposed to combine long holdings of equities with short sales of stocks or options. 类似地,多/空股票(long/shortequity,或称为股票对冲)基金本应同时持有股票多头头寸和股票或期权的空头头寸。
A utility maximization model of the investment portfolio including risk-free asset is put forward, with short sales allowed. 摘要提出了在允许卖空情况下含有无风险资产且借贷利率不同的效用最大化的投资组合模型。
The cost of borrowing shares for short sales on Wall Street has been rising steeply in recent weeks, hampering the ability of hedge funds and other sophisticated traders to profit from market declines. 最近数周,华尔街借入股票进行卖空交易的成本不断大幅攀升,限制了对冲基金及其他富有经验的交易员从股市下跌中获利的能力。
Another is the unpredictable nature of policymaking ( as shown by Germany's unilateral clampdown on short sales last week). 另一个是政策制定的不可预测性(正如德国上周单方面实施卖空禁令所展示的)。
Short Sales Mechanism and Capital Market Efficiency 卖空机制与资本市场效率
Study on the Short Sales and the Foundation of Mechanism of Short Sales in Chinese Stock Market 卖空与卖空机制以及在中国股票市场的构建研究
Portfolio model under limited short sales 限制卖空条件下的证券投资组合
Study on Optimal Portfolio Selection for Markets with Friction and without Short Sales 摩擦市场中限制卖空的最优投资组合选择的算法研究
Study on Short Sales Constraints in China Stock Market 中国股票市场卖空约束研究
The part of 4th is the 3rd chapter of the paper, short sales and mechanism of short sales with the Chinese stock market. 第四部分是论文的第三章,卖空与卖空机制和中国股票市场。
The paper based on the analysis of short sales mechanism expounds its feasibility in China. 本文在分析卖空机制的基础上,进一步讨论其在我国的可行性。
Under short sales situation, the optimal investment strategies are obtained by using Lagrange method, and the efficient frontiers 'character is also studied. 在允许卖空的情况下,运用拉格朗日乘数法求出了效用最大化投资组合的最优投资策略,并证明了其有效前沿和均值-方差投资组合的有效前沿相同。
The Study on Volatility and Establishment of Short Sales Trading Mechanism in Shanghai Stock Market 上海证券市场波动性现状与卖空交易机制建立
An Analysis of Short Sales Mechanism and its Enlightenment to China 卖空机制运作机理分析及对我国的启示
A Pivoting Method for the Portfolio Decision Under the Condition of Not Allowing Short Sales 限制卖空条件下组合投资决策的转轴方法
Today's world, though, is characteristic of abundant single-cycle commodities, short sales cycle, and enormous demand fluctuation. In such a fast-changing environment, the supply chain system tends to fail to adapt itself to new market environment after several operations. 然而,当今的社会的特点是单周期商品多,销售周期短,需求波动大,在急速变化的环境中供应链系统往往只能运作几次后就不能适应新的市场环境。
Analysis of Diversified Short Sales Mechanism s Portfolio model under limited short sales 我国证券市场卖空机制模式的选择分析限制卖空条件下的证券投资组合
Margin purchases and short sales is a mature system widely adopted by overseas securities markets, including two parts of margin trading and short selling. 融资融券业务是国外发达证券市场一种成熟的交易制度,包括了融资和融券两个部分。
In addition, traders have psychological short-sales restriction on a markets with majority of individual investors even if short sales are not costly according to the institution. 在个人投资者占多数的期货市场上,即使市场在制度上不存在卖空约束,交易者仍存在心理上的卖空约束。
The single-period products have some characteristics: the short sales period, quickly changes of the demand, and many uncertain factors to the inventory control. 单周期产品需求具有期限短、变化快、不确定因素多的特点,库存控制难度较大。